Steve Osborne
Local Government Finance
Steve Osborne is an Assistant Director in the Tennessee Comptroller’s Office division of Local Government Finance.
Steve is responsible for assisting the Director in supervising the division’s oversight of Tennessee cities, counties, utilities, and other governmental entities with debt and budgetary compliance. He also leads the division’s development of guidance, training, and financial analysis metrics that support financial health for local governments.
Prior to joining the Comptroller’s Office in 2011, Steve worked as an equity analyst with Avondale Partners covering the restaurant and consumer goods sectors. He was also the owner and manager of a Tennessee small business for over 15 years. Prior to that time, he worked on the municipal bond desk at J.C. Bradford. Steve holds undergraduate degrees from Austin Peay State University and Belmont University as well as an MBA from the Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University.
Steve and his wife, Juanita, reside in Nashville, Tennessee with their three children.