Ross Colona
Local Government Finance
Ross Colona is an Assistant Director in the Tennessee Comptroller’s Division of Local Government and serves as the designated manager to the Tennessee Board of Utility Regulation (TBOUR). Ross leads the Comptroller’s oversight of local government water, wastewater, and natural gas utilities across Tennessee. He is also responsible for overseeing the preparation and presentation of all materials to the TBOUR and provides assistance to utilities on a variety of technical, managerial and financial issues. Ross also provides training to local government officials across the state, and he assists customers who have utility-related complaints.
Ross joined the Comptroller’s Office as a utilities specialist in 2019. He previously worked as the political director for Congressman John Rose’s initial campaign. Ross has also served as part of the Comptroller’s Legislative Team and provides utility-related research and support to Tennessee legislators.
Ross is a graduate of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He received a Master of Public Administration from American University and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
Ross lives in Davidson County with his dog Sprout. He is passionate about cooking and enjoys making fresh pasta. In his spare time, he also enjoys traveling, reading, and taking his dog to different parks in Nashville.